Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Hello everyone!
Welcome to Melody and Velocity, a new music blog bent on enlightening all those people who have stared at me awkwardly and said "you're listening to who?"

"What? There's millions of music blogs out there!"
Well, I feel as though I am in a unique position as a DJ of one of the best college radio stations to present and critique new music - and not just your typical Broken Arcade River Hands Radio Tapes bands either - music as varied as jazz, folk, country, ambient, dance, metal, and more.

Unlike most music blogs, this one will contain mp3's of both good tracks AND bad tracks from each album, so that the viewer has the ability to judge the true strengths and weaknesses of the album. Also unlike most music blogs, I will (eventually) review every single piece of music that I own, whether out of print, cd-r, 7", cassette, or any other form.

If you would like to get in touch to send me a demo, send me an email at bamvolstone at gmail dot com.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of the internet at my house, updates will be irregular, although I will try to post at least one review per week.

-Bradley Ellison


Gatsby said...

Awesome! I can't wait to read and listen.

Kate said...

woot, I will read it if you writes it.